


云栖网 2023-01-08 21:24 来源:互联网











Why positive interactions with the admissions office is a positive mark on your application?

这里所说的了解学校已经不仅仅局限于从学校官网来获取信息,而是更多的着重于如何近距离的接触学校的招生人员和活动,因为这个可以带给我们非常直观的感受,同时也可以给我们的申请添砖加瓦。每个学校的招生办一般都有一份Newsletter(实时通讯),来定期分享他们的最新信息和活动,比如Information Session(信息会议),Virtual Class(虚拟课堂),Campus Tour(校园旅行),这是一个和学校建立联系的宝贵机会。易美教育的哥大招生官玛丽女士说道:” You should sign up for the information sessions,class visits,and school tours if it is being offered. If you are able to attend them virtually,which makes it very easy for the applicant. But if it is offered in person and you are able to attend in person,you should make every effort to do so. Because an in-person interaction will be ranked more highly than a virtual visit. So signing up for information sessions,and school tours is a really good way for you to easily conNECt and get a wide variety of information from an admission officer. Information sessions and class visits are ranked more highly as an engagement than school tour because it is typically with smaller groups. You actually have one on one time with the admission officer who may be part of the admission committee.” 在我们报名参加活动之后,在做一个倾听者的同时,我们要不遗余力的展现自己,给招生办留下一个积极深刻的印象。如果有教授会参加这些活动,我们至少要对他的背景有所了解,如果我们提了他感兴趣的问题,可能会带来我们意想不到的惊喜,因为教职员工很可能会和招生人员交谈,给我们的申请提供有利的备注。在活动结束之后,千万要记得发送后续的感谢邮件给招生办或者教授,那对我们的申请同样是加分项。


What does it mean to start early?

如果我们统计一下近年来中国留学生的申请学校清单,会发现几个非常耳熟能详的名字,哥伦比亚大学,纽约大学,波士顿大学,但是这些学校真的适合所有学生吗?如果不想匆匆茫茫、盲目从众申请一个学校来度过你未来两年或者四年的生活和学习,那我们需要在申请之前多花一点时间,来找到我们感兴趣,同时也适合我们的学校。这不是一件容易的事,但确实是有章可循的。我们可以先从最简单的问题开始,你想去私立大学还是公立大学?是综合性大学还是文理学院?是规模较大还是较小的学校?是综合排名高还是专业排名高的学校?想去大城市还是小城市?在了解了学校之间的区别,我们就要开始研究一些更加深入的话题,学校有你想上的课程但是其他学校都没有提供吗?有想一起做研究的教授吗?有你想加入的社团或者组织吗?学校的校友网络怎么样?“The first point of starting early is the start researching schools of interest.It's really important for an applicant to search more deeply on each of the schools,to look at what are ivy league schools. What are public schools? What are private schools? What are the differenCES between these institutions? And are you looking to be in a large university? A medium-sized university or a smaller school? You should look at not only the ranking and the brand,but also look at what is the school's mission. What is the dean or the school president's most recent school-wide statement about looking at the location? Do you see yourself in a big urban city or a small city,or a,suburban environment? What are the student demographics at this school? Are there faculty members you wish to learn from doing research with? Are there courses that you want to take at this school that is not offered at any other institutions? Also,look at what the school's alumni network is like and how involved is the alumni. Not only looking at the alumni and faculty,but also looking at peers as peers can be your teachers. So when we think about researching schools of interest,it's really important to think about all these different questions and to really dig deep in getting to know the school.”易美教育的哥大招生官玛丽女士认为只有深入挖掘了这些问题背后的答案,我们才能找到自己真正热爱的学校。


Why is it important to apply early?

很多学生在申请季都有拖延的问题,但他们都忽略了提前提交申请的好处,尤其是针对有提供多轮申请或者滚动录取的学校,越早提交申请意味着越早能拿到录取的结果,一旦被录取,你也有更加充裕的时间去抉择到底选择哪一个offer,或者在决定之后开始寻找住房,为之后的大学生活开始准备。如果没有拿到offer,那我们也完全来得及重新评估我们的申请选择,需不需要再申请额外的学校。有一些滚动录取的项目也是本着先到先得的宗旨,如果项目的录取名额都满了,那么之后学校收到的申请就不再会审核了,这也是为什么易美教育的哥大招生官玛丽女士鼓励学生如果申请材料都齐全的话,可以尽早提交申请,增大录取机会的同时也可以减少自己的压力。“Colleges that offer rolling admission do not wAIt until after the deadline to send out acceptance letters,they start evaluating the applications as they come in and send out letters as soon as they have made a decision when applying to a school that has the rolling emission system,it is a good idea to apply as early as possible since some schools with rolling admission will accept applications throughout the year,and the decisions will be rendered throughout the year.”
